Saturday, August 29, 2009

Well I've been having a good time in Korea so far. I've been staying busy on the weekends with Chance and a few other guys. Here's what I've been up to...

Okay, (from the front) this is Clark, Ed, Chance and me, this picture is kind of a corny, just roll with it. We went from base to Gunsan Fish Market, it was dirty and smelled bad, Korea is a very dirty place. I didn't take many pictures of people because you're supposed to ask first and I already felt like an Asian Tourist in New York.

This boat is just sitting out in the bay, I don't think it's operational.
This is a gate to someone's house, there are little jewels in this dirty little town.

This is a spider living outside my shack, it's feet are bigger than a half dollar.
We got on this ferry for about 1.5 hours to this island, we passed this huge crane you can actually see from the base, it's well over 10 stories high and can hold 1650 tons, as you can see labelled. The island we pretty trashed, there was a huge burn pit right behind the best beach there! Clark and ran out onto the rocks and took that picture. We rented bikes, my petal fell off after the first 1/4 mile. They were only $3 though.

There I am all alone without Tory and my little men.
Daniel and Marcus "Chance" Stephens.
I'm on a boat!
So many people, mainly laborers, figure out how to put all sorts of stuff onto push carts or bikes, it's interesting.


  1. Those spiders FREAK me out!! I have been stressing about HoBo season here and you got those spiders hanging around! Thanks for making the pictures bigger. You look great. Thanks for sharing all the is neat seeing bits of Korea. Take care of yourself, we are keeping you in our prayers!

  2. You found Marky Mark, huh....good. I hope you are having a great time and keeping busy.
