Thursday, August 20, 2009

My Blog

All we have here is our Words and our Deeds, and how they affect others, and how others words and deeds affect me.

Jesus said we will give an account of every careless word we have ever uttered. Matthew recorded Christ's words in his book 12: 36-37. Jesus even said we will be condemned or acquitted one day based on our words, make no mistake, we will be on trial.

My favorite passage for works/actions/deeds is Ephesians 2:8-10. Many people cite it to strengthen arguments that all you need is faith to be saved, but that's not what Paul says here. He says it is only by faith we are saved, and goes to say that we are saved in order to perform works that God himself has set up for us to do. So it follows that if you don't do what God wants that's probably evidence you aren't following God (aren't saved).

In summary, watch your words, it's a good barometer for what's going on inside. If your speech displays anything but compassion towards others, something's wrong, and you better do something about. If you believe something DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, DON'T JUST TALK ABOUT IT!

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